What's Your Number? Discovering Your Home's Numerology


Have you ever lived in a home where everything just felt right? And have you ever lived in a home where everything just felt…off

In numerology, numbers are considered to have vibrational energy, which can set the tone for everything from your life’s direction to your home’s ambiance. Your home's address sets the tone for your entire living space, so you'll want to make sure that your house or apartment number creates an energy that fits your lifestyle.

The most influential number for your well-being is your house or apartment number, since that's what's most personal to you.

How to calculate your home’s numerological number: 

1. Write down the full address of your house or apartment.

ex. 2436 Mod Boulder Avenue

2. Add all of the numbers together to find the sum. 

ex. 2+4+3+6 = 15

3. Reduce the sum to a single digit.

ex. 15 = 1+5 = 6

4. This single digit is your house’s numerological number. 

The 1 House: Inspired by ambition, leadership, and independence, the 1 House is great for a career-minded single or a mature family whose work is a high priority. Whether you’re a dedicated artist, a self-employed mastermind, or climbing the rungs of the corporate ladder, you’ll do well in a 1 House. Looking for more motivation or self-discipline? A 1 House will help you build more career-focused character.

Challenges: The 1 House fosters a lot of independence; if you’re looking to promote harmony, cooperation, and a team mentality, this is a difficult place to do so. If you’re looking for a romantic partner (or you’re prone to loneliness), this home can be too heavy on the “self” energy.

Decorating tips: Strong, bright primary colors. Keep the house de-cluttered of furniture and piles, leaving plenty of open space. Use window coverings sparingly. Focus on plants and aquariums.

The 2 House: Particularly well-suited for couples and young families, a 2 House inspires empathy, sensitivity, and romance. This number’s peaceful, loving energy has a calming, patient effect on its inhabitants. Expect to get along well and feel compassion for those you live with. This is a great address for social events, as this house needs regular visitors.

Challenges: Since the 2 House lends itself to strong emotions, it’s easy to become overly sensitive here. If you find yourself taking things too personally or needing constant attention, get outside for physical activity to burn off that extra energy. Single individuals may find the space depressing and draining. Balance this strong, emotive energy by keeping healthy boundaries and expressing your feelings openly and directly. 

Decorating tips: Soft, warm pastel colors. Plenty of throw pillows and carpets. Furniture should be feminine, plentiful, and tastefully coordinated.

The 3 House: An ideal choice for artists and unconventional singles or families, this home inspires optimism, flexibility, openness, and creativity. The elderly tend to feel comfortable and at peace in this environment, while younger people will find a spark of unique creativity. A great location for an art studio, the 3 House is the most upbeat of all addresses.

Challenges: The 3 House’s energy can lead homeowners to feel scattered and unfocused; if you work from home or work after-hours, this may not be your place for focus, ambition, or precision. Also not a good address for serious or devoutly religious people.

Decorating tips: Bright colors, art work, perhaps even a mural or two. The interior design should be unconventional with loosely arranged furniture. Mix modern and antiques.

The 4 House: The most solid and grounded of all addresses, the 4 House inspires inner strength, dependability, and responsibility. A house with this address breathes morality and conventionality, which can be well-suited for young families with children or focused, career-oriented people. Financial growth finds inspiration here, as does responsibility toward monetary matters. If you like predictability and routine, this is the place for you. 

Challenges: If you seek adventure, variety, or excitement, you won’t find it here. You might find yourself working too hard or getting too bogged down in your to-do list. And since the number 4 relates to structure, don’t skimp on the home repairs; make sure the frame, interior, and foundation of your home are in good shape. 

Decorating tips: Muted, earthy colors. Heavy, robust furniture, like antiques and solid oak. Heavy curtains (kept open). Dark wood floors.

The 5 House: Unique perspective and freedom of thought abound in the 5 House. Reflecting unconventional intelligence, this home will inspire independence, freedom, individualism, and a heavy dose of creativity. But watch out: that lust for life may sink into downright hedonism. Be sure to stay focused and disciplined with your personal goals to maintain the right balance. 

Challenges: The 5 House’s lack of direction and a tendency toward chaos may limit financial growth. If you’re looking for quiet reflection, you won’t find it here. The 5 House promotes variety and change, so you may find it difficult to make decisions on practical matters. You might find yourself over-indulging in food, sex, or alcohol; a 5 House is best avoided if you’re prone to addiction of any sort.

Decorating tips: Go crazy with color. Mix and match odd furniture. Unconventional is the key word. Open space, open windows. A bit of disarray and clutter is fine.

The 6 House: Home sweet home. The 6 House is the only address without obvious negative influences, and is harmonious with almost any lifestyle and personality type. Loving and protective, the 6 House strengthens relationships, from family dynamics to friendships and beyond. Responsible and idealistic, this home inspires its inhabitants to care for each other and to share their feelings.

Challenges: Because 6 promotes nurturing and responsibility, you might find that you’re putting others before yourself. And homebodies, rejoice: you might find that you like being home so much, you don’t want to leave! Remember, it’s important to get out of the house and socialize.

Decorating tips: Light and bright colors (no pastels), comfortable furniture, lots of art. Create some quiet nooks where you can read a book or simply find a moment of peace. 

The 7 House: Spiritual introverts, this one’s for you. The 7 House is the most unconventional address in all respects. This house’s energy inspires spiritual growth, self-exploration, and deep thought, but recoils at the notion of dogmatic, organized religion. Its serious, contemplative nature often pushes homeowners to become deep-thinking introverts. Want to keep things light and on the surface? You’ll probably want to look elsewhere. 

Challenges: If you like to entertain, you may find 7’s quiet, contemplative nature makes you feel isolated and stir-crazy. In this environment, it’s important to eliminate any clutter, both in your environment and in your mind. Packrats will most certainly find this home unappealing. 

Decorating tips: Preferably white or shades of white. Simple, high-quality furniture. Avoid clutter.

The 8 House: An ideal location for conventional people who are driven by the material comforts, the 8 House inspires ambition, financial growth, authority, and uncompromising drive. The 8 House also inspires strength of character and tends to improve the health of those who live there. This is the best possible address for career- or business-oriented people.

Challenges: The number 8 emits energy focused on money and abundance, so you may feel an ever-present urge for more—more upgrades, more furniture, more space, more children. Beware of the subtle motivation to keep up with the Joneses; your need to impress others could be enhanced here. Remember to focus on your family and friends as much as you focus on your career. 

Decorating tips: A focus on strong colors, like deep greens and browns. Large furniture: big couches, chairs, dining room table, etc. Large windows. Definitely a fireplace. 

The 9 House: Singles, look no further. The 9 House promotes personal growth, self-confidence, idealism, and personal style. Not particularly good for families looking for connection, this address promotes a self-focused lifestyle. It works particularly well for women who are entering a new, empowered phase in life. 

Challenges: The 9 House has an idealistic energy, and can be difficult if you’re needing to make more money or become more outgoing or ambitious in your career. With its inward-facing energy, you may find yourself dwelling on the past too much, or fearing abandonment or rejection. Remember to listen to your intuition before you listen to others. 

Decorating tips: Subtle colors such as light pastels, stenciled edges and other whimsical designs. Easy, comfortable furniture. Lots of plants and flowers for an airy feel. Keep the windows open when possible. 


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